‘CSS3’ Category

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CSS Resets and CSS Modules

I constantly get asked questions regarding how to get more control over layouts from developers and ways in which people can reduce the amount of code in their CSS (cascading style sheets), thus reducing file size and load times. Any improvement on the reduction of CSS file size, impacting on page load speed can benefit pro active SEO strategy, user […]

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RGBA and HSLA Colors in CSS3

Recently I was asked what the “new colors in CSS3” are, which was a question from a friend who was brushing up on some of the new specification. Basically this friend was referring to the W3C’s CSS Color Module Level 3 (available here: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/) which has some new modules available in the specification, RGBA and HSLA. Both RGBA and HSLA […]

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CSS3, Web Development

CSS3 Border Radius

In the specification for CSS3, border-radius was added, a great new feature that allows rounded corners to be set for elements in our document. This visual effect has been used for many years by web designers, but had to be achieved by using images, background images and a variety of complicated, unnecessary elements in our markup to achieve the same […]

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